
Education Abroad

As the only degree-granting and academic unit dedicated to the delivery, pedagogy and study of education abroad, The College of Global Studies is a unique entity in the landscape of U.S. higher education.  This important symbolic and structural arrangement provides Arcadia University with an opportunity to fully realize the often-stated goal of internationalizing all aspects of university life.  

Philosophy and Curricular Approach

Recognizing the diverse learning, pedagogical and curricular needs of students, The College maintains a variety of high-quality program models including center-based programs, integrated university programs, internships and experiential-based programs, hybrid models and short course that focus on a particular discipline or topic.  Regardless of the program model, The College of Global Studies seeks to intentionally link academic coursework with out-of-classroom field study and co-curricular opportunities, creating a holistic learning environment for the student.  Our emphasis on the linkages between theory and praxis, and on establishing high-impact learning environments is at the center of mission and work.

As part of the regular work as an academic unit of Arcadia University, The College of Global Studies receives faculty oversight for all courses, syllabi and curricular tracks through the Arcadia academic programs committees.  Academic certificates are reviewed and approved by the full university faculty, and all transcripts are awarded from Arcadia University in the same manner as domestic courses.  Each approved overseas course becomes part of the official Arcadia University course catalog with the high majority approved as fulfilling degree requirements.

The Academic Affairs Division of The College of Global Studies

The academic operation of The College is led by the Academic Dean who oversees all curricular, faculty and academic issues and is supported by a team of Assistant Deans who maintain an expertise in particular disciplinary or pedagogical areas.

Collectively, the Academic Affairs team supports institutional partners by identifying partnerships that satisfy particular curricular needs. Through this curricular mapping work, the academic deans have been able to create opportunities in often challenging disciplines such as in STEM, health sciences, business, education and other areas. Additionally, Academic Affairs is able to address pedagogical needs for research, internships, service learning, laboratory practice or other fieldwork. We have given particular attention to the needs of students in rigid disciplines and are conscientious about the demands and needs of students pursuing graduate and professional schools, including creating opportunities for student to satisfy MCAT preparation while overseas, as well as building a curriculum that responds to specific disciplinary accreditation standards (ex. ABET).

Community Engagement

The College intentionally links the academic coursework with the co-curricular learning opportunities in the host community, integrating the student with the people, issues and environment present in the new learning environment. This intentional form of engagement is one of the goals of our co-curricular programming.