
Embracing Applied Learning

Academic & Student Affairs February 10, 2020

It is a commonly held assumption in education abroad circles that international study should be a foundational component of the 21st-Century higher education mission to shape young adults capable of informed, socially meaningful, and personally successful engagement in the communities in which they live and work. More

The 2018 Award For Teaching Excellence

BY DR. ANDREW LAW, ACADEMIC DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF GLOBAL STUDIES The Academic and Student Affairs Team is pleased to announce that our very own Chris McMillan is the winner of the 2018 Award for Teaching Excellence. Every year, The College of Global… More

Embracing Applied Learning

by Dr. Andrew Law, Academic Dean of The College of Global Studies The root of the word “dotty,” which is used in British English to describe eccentricity, can apparently be traced to the Dutch word “dote,” which translates as “folly.” So, an eccentric… More

Academic Symposium in London

Academic & Student Affairs January 14, 2019

In early November 2018, the Arcadia London Center sponsored a one-day symposium entitled, Marx and the City,  inviting Marx scholars from the wider UK academic community to present papers representing their scholarly interests. This was the first academic… More

Looking ahead to Forum & NAFSA

Academic & Student Affairs February 28, 2018

A note from David Rudd, Director, Strategic Planning and Research, The College of Global Studies. Yesterday morning, I was heartened to discover a large family of robins hopping about the yard digging for worms, seeds, or whatever else robins so yearn… More

The College at NAFSA

The College of Global Studies will have several staff members at the NAFSA Conference this year in Los Angeles from May 28th to June 2nd. On Tuesday May 30th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm Melissa Chambers, Associate Director, will be participating in an Authors… More

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