

February 17, 2024

Students planning to take part in the STEM Summer Research Program should take special note of the updated status of our research projects, which are extremely popular this year.

The following locations are CLOSED, these projects have reached capacity: Sant'Anna Institute - Sorrento, Italy

The following locations are LIMITED in capacity and are EXTREMELY CLOSE to closing:
Royal Veterinary College - London, England

University College Dublin - Dublin, Ireland

Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research & School of Medicine of the University of Granada - Granada, Spain

The following locations are OPEN, and have a variety of research projects available. Please look at these locations:
King's College London - London, England

University of Limerick - Limerick, Ireland

University of Glasgow - Glasgow, Scotland

Students whose first choice project is closed, or nearly closed, may contact us ASAP about moving to another location. Our absolute final deadline to complete admissions forms is March 15. We urge you to complete your materials sooner. We review and allocate projects on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please contact Ashley Weimar with questions or to set up an advising session with Ashley ASAP.