

February 28, 2018
A note from David Rudd, Director, Strategic Planning and Research, The College of Global Studies.

Yesterday morning, I was heartened to discover a large family of robins hopping about the yard digging for worms, seeds, or whatever else robins so yearn for.  After the long, cold winter the sight of these visitors returning filled me with anticipation for all that the spring brings: baseball, gardening, hummingbirds, a glass of wine on the patio watching the sunset, and of course, the professional conference season.  

Within the world of international education, spring brings forward our own version of renewal through our professional conferences with opportunities to reconnect with colleagues, friends, ideas and the values that many of us hold so dear.

The FORUM on Education Abroad

Arcadia will be sending a team of nine to this year’s FORUM Conference in Boston.  Including representation from institutional relations, academic affairs, strategic development and health and safety.  We are particularly proud to have with us our Academic Director in Spain, Dr. Jaume Gelabert, who will be eager to discuss how the Catalan independence movement has afforded our students a unique learning experience related to regionalism, civic protest and identity.  On Wednesday 21 March, Arcadia will host a happy hour at  (at Berklee College of Music) open to all. We hope you will join us for as little or as long as you’d like to say hello.  This happy hour takes place just before the opening plenary for the Forum conference.

  • Complete Arcadia’s Happy Hour RSVP form here: 
  • View Arcadia’s FORUM Conference attendees and book a meeting:  


Looking further ahead to the May NAFSA Conference, we at Arcadia are excited to showcase our institution and the city we so proudly call home.  Look for future updates from Arcadia as we finalize our conference plan.  

If you haven’t had an opportunity to visit Philadelphia in a few years, you may be amazed to see a changing skyline, several new museums, including the Museum of the American Revolution, and a city celebrating its rich diversity and history with the city mural program. Even our long suffering football team showcases how underdogs can and do win it all.