
Spring 22 Photo and Video Competition Winners

Paris Hyman Student Services Coordinator


May 6, 2022

Thank you all for submitting your photos and videos for our Spring 22 Photo and Video Competition. The standard this semseter was very high, so much so that it was difficult to select our winners. If you did not get selected please do not be discouraged and continue producing fantastic content. 

Congratulation to our winners and enjoy your $20 Amazon Voucher!!


Category 1: Being a Brit  

Winner: CJ Johnson


Category 2: Diversity 

Winner: Abby White


Category 3: Personal Highlight

Winner: Lianne GormleyDevine


Category 4: Rural

Winner: Kennedy Nicholson


Category 5: Urban 

Winner: Rhaissa Sanches


Category 6:TikTok  

Winner: Megan Woods


- Competition winners will be contacted separately -