
Wellness Wednesday: My top 5 tips for staying well during Thanksgiving!

Gráinne Hand Assistant Director


November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving is almost upon us and this year students are away from family, friends and the familiar. For the majority, I imagine this is the first time ever to be away for the holiday. This is why I wanted to write and give some tips for ways to stay well. Usually when writing articles like this I search for inspiration across many sites. Today I’m using my experience in observing students over the last 20 years to give my top 5 tips to create a different type of day.

As my colleagues often say – I’ll dive right in:

1. Eat well

By this I mean, cook nice foods. Arcadia has invited students to form groups and cook up a feast! We have given each group a voucher for a store of their choice so there are no excuses! It could be a time where you integrate your favourite recipes from home into the meal. One student shared her grandmother’s famous brussels sprout recipe with me. What can you bring to the table from home? How can you feel the presence of loved ones through the food you are eating?

2. Community

You are part of an inclusive, diverse community of students in Ireland. You have made new friends, connections and people you can call on in times of trouble. Remember this today above all days.

3. Go Easy on the social media

 I know I know, it’s hard. We are human but one of the worst things a person can do is constantly check for “what are they doing now” moments on Instagram or wherever you get your updates from. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) should not exist tomorrow. You should be too busy cooking, celebrating or just chilling.

4. Remember it is one year in a lifetime

In the whole scheme of things, this is nothing! Think about it!

5. Create your own Irish “being Thankful” memory.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in 50 years from now, sitting at a table as a wise person, telling those you love about that year you celebrated Thanksgiving in Ireland. Is the story going to be exciting or will it just be “I was miserable in my room checking a thing called Instagram that used to exist” ? This is your chance to create a memory that you will never forget. Just like study abroad really.

Now go on and get that bird or birdless bird ready. Don’t forget to make sure the inside isn’t pink at all If it is pink, it is still raw!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! See you later for our virtual toast!


Holidays Holidays