Wellness Wednesday- Taking Stock - The top 50 things you've done so far!
September 6, 2023
Welcome to Wellness Wednesday!
Now that all of our programmes are in country I wanted to start my weekly posts (on a Wednesday!). I'll post articles, tips and tricks for study abroad and basically anything that I feel helps you feel comfortable here! See I'm interested in mental health and how the process of adjustment can play into low mood, high mood and everything in between.
First things first!
Taking Stock
I think it is important to think about all the things you have done so far! Many of these you may have forgotten about or you may not think they are important…but let me tell you, they are! Everything you have done to this point has mattered in reaching where you are today and where you want to be. I’ve taken the top 50 things I’ve watched you do, heard you talk about and things I just know you have done! These are the top 50!
Think about it and I bet you can add to this list:
- Became interested in study abroad
- Looked at Ireland as a destination
- Got documents lined up
- Spoke to advisors
- Spoke to parents
- Applied for study abroad & all that entailed!
- Attended online orientation sessions
- Did an online orientation course
- Packed your bags
- Got on an airplane (first time out of country maybe)!
- Met people you had never met before and moved into accommodation with them!
- Attended an orientation day with zero hours sleep!
- Survived jetlag!
- Explored Dublin on a Scavenger hunt with new people (and fully sleep deprived)
- Tried new foods
- Learned about the weirdness of Irish humour and Craic!
- Got slagged (you are a target after all)
- Learned about academics
- Attended a housing meeting
- Travelled to campus
- Unpacked again
- Moved into a new bedroom (your new home for a few months!)
- Had to go grocery shopping
- Registered or are about to register for classes
- Found your way around a new campus
- Found your way around a new town
- Got an Irish number
- Learned how to take an Irish bus
- Applied for your travel card
- Discovered a new brand of a new food!
- Learned what the word "chipper" means
- Perhaps visited a "chipper"!
- Tasted proper Irish tea!
- Cooked a meal for the first time (aside from pasta)
- Watched Riverdance
- Played Gaelic Games
- Joined a club or society
- Registered or are planning to register with immigration
- Got sick then got better again
- Tasted a proper Guinness for the first time
- Ran in Ireland in a park!
- Visited a Castle
- Learned how to make Irish Brown Bread!
- Learned how to make vegetable soup!
- Learned what “Craic” really means!
- Learned how to pronounce an Irish name (Gráinne isn’t an easy one to pronounce you know!)
- Attended a class for the first time
- Got lost, then found your way again!
- Did a batch of laundry in Ireland
- Sat back and realised that you are here!