
Easter in Italy


March 31, 2024

Happy Easter to everyone!
Easter is a major holiday in Christianity, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and for believers marks a time of renewal and hope. The term Easter comes from the Greek, “Pascha”, in turn from the Aramaic pasah and properly means "to pass over," hence "passage." The Jews remembered the passage across the Red Sea from slavery in Egypt to liberation. For Christians, it is the feast of the passage from death to life of Jesus Christ. The English term Easter, used to name this celebration in Anglo-Saxon countries, finds no direct correspondence in the Scriptures or the neo-Latin languages and instead derives from ancient pagan traditions that predate Christianity. In particular, it would be linked to the spring goddess Ä’ostre, an emblem of rebirth and fertility and associated with animals such as the council and the hare. Because of this connection today, the rabbit would be one of the symbols of Easter. The fusion of pagan holidays with Christian Easter and the resurrection of Christ reflects the extraordinary meeting of different cultures.