
Scotland Awards Fall 2022

Dr. Hamish Thompson Resident Director


December 20, 2022

Here at Arcadia Scotland, we cannot believe that another semester has drawn to a close! It has been a wonderful few months and we have loved getting to know each and every one of you. 

As the semester ends, we like to look back and recognise the best examples of student blogging and photography. A huge thank you to any students who attended our Farewell Ceilidh and submitted entries for our Scotland Awards competition, we have loved seeing what you all have been up to during your study abroad experience. 

The winners for the Scotland Awards Fall 2022 semester are…

Best Blog: William Haynes, (Hamilton College), ‘Death of her Majesty’.

Though I have only been in Scotland for a few days, I can see why she loved it so much. I have already found they radiate an energy of warmth and light-heartedness that is becoming rarer these days.’

Squad Goals: Vanessa Cox, (Chapman University). 

Aww, isn’t that cute?: Maxim Melnichuk (Amherst College).

Scenic Scotland: Alexis Wright (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania).

Urban Vibes: Megan Charles (Chapman University).

Special Mentions: 

William Haynes (Hamilton College).

Laura Clark (Santa Clara University).

Thank you to all of our students for such a fantastic semester. We are sad to see you go, but we hope you had a wonderful and memorable experience. From the Arcadia Edinburgh Center - haste ye back!