
Scotland Awards Spring 2022

Cameron McKay Student Services Officer


May 11, 2022

As another semester draws to an end we like to look back and recognise the best examples of student blogging, photography, and video making. Thank you everyone who came to our farewell ceilidh and for all of you who entered the contest, we really enjoyed seeing what everyone has been up to this semester. The winners for Scotland Awards 2022 Spring semester are as follows:

Best Blog: Jamie Xu, (Washington University of St Louis), 'Scenes from My Flat's Kitchen.' 

'Nightly now, magic unfolds in our kitchen. We gather around the countertops to chop,
peel, boil, and banter. We peer over each other’s pots and pans on the stove. We exchange
stories about our day, music recommendations, and recipes. The steam engulfs the night in a

Special Mention: Alexandra Schneider, (Elon University), 'We were happy here, for a little while.'

'It hit me one afternoon, as I was sitting in Kelvingrove park underneath a tree with light pink
blossoms that fell into my hair like champagne-colored snow: I like who I am in this city.'

Squad Goals: Ian Myers, (Elon University).

Aw isn't that cute: Grace Kennedy, (Denison University). 

Scenic Scotland: Aiden Zalma, (University of Puget Sound).

Special Mentions: 

Owen Russell-Lanning, (University of Puget Sound).

Preston Hutchens, (Washington University of St Louis).

Thank you all for a wonderful semester, and although we are sad to see you go, we hope you had as much fun as we did. All that is left to say is Beannachd leibh from all of us at the Arcadia Edinburgh Center. Safe Travels! 
