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Mid-Semester Break?

Let me start off by saying that last time, I spent way too much time talking about the school aspect of study abroad and… More

Andrew Esber Auckland, New Zealand


Andrew Esber


Auckland, New Zealand

Mid-Semester Break?

Andrew Esber September 28, 2022

Let me start off by saying that last time, I spent way too much time talking about the school aspect of study abroad and not enough time talking about the traveling aspect. If traveling is the aspect you were looking for in my blogs, this is the read… More

Am I a Student or a Tourist?

Andrew Esber September 1, 2022

Well this is it, Study Abroad. The experience that walks a balance beam between my education and the vacation of a lifetime. The overarching challenge of the adventure is finding a way to balance fun and responsibilities at the same time. It seemed like… More