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Saying Goodbye

I don’t know how this already happened, but my program has just ended. I had started to settle into my London routine and… More

Chloe McKinney London, England


Chloe McKinney


London, England

Saying Goodbye

Chloe McKinney July 12, 2023

I don’t know how this already happened, but my program has just ended. I had started to settle into my London routine and in the blink of an eye I must adjust to my old life. From the amazing people and interesting courses to the beautiful city, there… More

Arriving in London and Finding Balance

Chloe McKinney June 3, 2023

If you would have told me last year that I would be spending my summer in London, I would have never believed you. And, if you told me I would have bonded with my peers as quickly and as well as I have, I would have been in utter shock. Yet, here I am… More