When I was on the flight to London, I took out my blue and pink Barbie-themed journal and wrote down my thoughts and feelings about starting my study abroad experience. I wrote, "I know that there are so many adventures ahead of me" in my messy cursive… More
When I chose London as my study abroad destination, I knew I was setting myself up for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. London's mix of old and new, its bustling streets, and its welcoming multicultural vibe immediately drew me in. But one of the most… More
As the semester comes to an end, I found myself restless with how I could spend the last few days in London in an enjoyable way— and, above all, a way that would be meaningful enough for me to remember when I’m back home. I knew that when I would inevitably… More
I must confess that I did not grow up in the city of St. Louis. I was born and raised in St. Charles County, right outside the city. I joke that I am a county girl (through and through) because you could not pay me enough money to drive in the city. I… More
When thinking about the culture shocks I would experience when studying abroad in London, I thought about all of the stereotypical things: cars on the other side of the road or slang I might not understand. However, one of the biggest things that I wish… More
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