
Saying Goodbye

Chloe McKinney London, England


July 12, 2023

I don’t know how this already happened, but my program has just ended. I had started to settle into my London routine and in the blink of an eye I must adjust to my old life. From the amazing people and interesting courses to the beautiful city, there is nothing I wanted to say goodbye to in London. However, it is nice to be able to look back on this experience and see the personal growth I have had. I have learned a lot and have become more independent than I ever thought possible. I also found myself getting out of my shell and forming connections I would have not been able to form otherwise. On our last night, a group of us from our session went out for our last meal together. First of all, the food was amazing, and I had a goat cheese and couscous dinner that was to die for. However, the best part of the night was talking about what we are all doing next. No matter how much we all wanted to stay in this stage of our life, the chapter we were in was ending. It was so much fun to share future plans and talk about when we may all see each other again. Some of us go to the same college in the states so it will be easy to remain connected, however, some of us live on different sides of the country. Saying goodbye was extremely hard, but it just shows me how much this opportunity to study in London was something I was supposed to do in my life. I always heard people say that studying abroad can be life changing, but I did not believe it until it happened to me. I will always be thankful to Arcadia, my professors, my friends, and my family, for making this summer possible and for making it as incredible as it was. I am walking away with so many new life lessons and experiences and I do not regret a moment.  
