
Marta Cabrera, Ph.D

Resident Director, Granada Center

Dr. Marta Cabrera is originally from Granada, but she has lived, worked, and studied abroad in several countries (including the United States), and she has been involved in international education since 2001. Her experiences abroad have unquestionably shaped and defined her. After earning a degree in English and then in Spanish from the University of Granada, she moved to the United States to start her career as an instructor of Spanish language and culture while completing a Master's degree in Foreign Language Teaching (University of Delaware) and later on, a Ph.D in Spanish and Cultural Studies at Rutgers University (NJ). Marta returned to Granada in 2009, where she has been managing Study Abroad programs ever since. She is fortunate enough to receive students in her home town and help them discover the beauty and uniqueness of this city. What she most loves about her job is being able to help and interact with students while witnessing their personal growth and language improvement.

Just like the students do not return home being the same person they were, I am changed myself by sharing and partaking in their daily discoveries, amazement, and achievements while abroad."

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