STEM Summer Research King's College London - Case Western Reserve University Student
tarachatty@gmail.comLanguage & Culture in Mexico - University of North Carolina at Asheville Student
University of Canterbury - Belmont University Student
grace.eschbach@bruins.belmont.eduISI Perugia, The Umbra Institute - Arcadia University Student
jgabryszewski@arcadia.eduSTEM Summer Research, Granada - University of Georgia Student
yarissamagana18@gmail.comUniversity of Edinburgh - Northwestern University Student
taniamiller2025@u.northwestern.eduUniversity of Otago - Ohio Wesleyan University Student
kmitchellsmith@arcadia.eduLanguage and Culture in Mexico - Sewanee: University of the South Student
rincose0@sewanee.eduArcadia in London Summer - The Ohio State University Student
eliana.rothenbuhler@gmail.comUniversity College Cork - Sewanee: The University of the South Student