
University of Wollongong Courses

You’ll take 16 U.S. credits (24 UOW units). Most courses are worth 6 or 8 UOW units.

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your .

Special Considerations

UOW may request that you submit syllabi or an updated official transcript. 

Course Restrictions

Study abroad students may only take courses at the main University of Wollongong campus.

The following area of study is restricted to major students only:

  • Nursing
  • Creative Arts

Transcripts must prove that the following prerequisites indicating semesters of full-time study in the appropriate discipline have been met:

  • 100 Level: 2 semesters
  • 200 Level: 3 semesters
  • 300 Level: 4 semesters

Some courses are not available to Study Abroad students :

  • View the for specific details. 

Choosing Your Courses 

Include at least 8-10 courses on your . To find courses and syllabi visit the :

  • Select the corresponding year at the undergraduate level.
  • Use the subject code, name, session or a word within the subject name to search for course descriptions.
  • Please keep in mind that you may only enroll in courses taught at the main University of Wollongong campus.

Refer to the credit translation scale below when selecting your courses:

Australian University Credit Point Units U.S. University Semester Hours of Credit
3 2
4 2.5
6 4
8 5

Special Nomenclature

Australian Term U.S. Equivalent
Faculty School / College
Course Degree
Subject Course
Subject Description Syllabus
Autumn Spring Semester
Spring Fall Semester

Course Approval

  • Upon receiving your official UOW Offer Letter, you must submit your UOW study plan. Instructions are found in your UOW offer letter.
  • UOW will assess this list for approval. 
  • Within about a month, your Program Manager will email your study plan (list of approved courses) to you.

UOW study plan must be completed by:

  • Spring (Autumn) – November 30
  • Fall (Spring) – April 30

Enrollment Process

  • Along with your study plan, you will receive instructions for UOW's enrollment portal. 
  • You are only able to start this process AFTER you have received your COE (Confirmation of Enrollment).
  • Completing the process will generate a UOW username, password, and UOW email address.

The academic preferences form students submit to Arcadia prior to departure does not guarantee approval or enrollment in those courses. There is a drop/add period at the beginning of each semester that allows students to make changes to course enrollments. If you make any changes it is your responsibility to inform your home institution.


Additional course fees may be imposed by UOW for enrollment in certain studio and laboratory courses, field excursions or theater trips. 

For studio art, graphic art, art media production, drama, dancing or music courses, you will need to submit a portfolio or audition tape to support your application. Submit a portfolio or audition tape on slides or a CD. Submit between 8-12 examples of your work. Portfolio is non-returnable.

Grade Scale

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Grade Description Ranking U.S. Equivalent
7 High Distinction  85 – 100%  A
6 Distinction  75 – 84%  A
5 Credit 65 – 74%  B
4 Pass 50 – 64%  C
3 Conceded* Pass(45 – 49%)  D
1-2 Failure 0 – 44%  F

*Note: The Conceded grade is not offered by all institutions. Where a host institution uses the Conceded, Conceded Pass or Pass Conceded grade, a D will be issued. Where the host institution does not use Conceded, Conceded Pass or Pass Conceded grade, an F will be issued.