
Course Information

General Course Information

All students enroll in four courses for a total of 16 credits. One of these is a required Cornerstone Course about their London experience. Students will have the option of selecting the remainder of their courses from a wide variety on offer at the Arcadia London Center. Students must earn a C or better in order to transfer credit.

LONS HSSN 112 Showcasing the Nation: First Year Cornerstone Course - 4 Credits

In this cornerstone course, first year students will reflect on notions of national identity in the context of Britain’s history from the last 100 years. Students will navigate London’s complicated narratives, think critically about how Britain presents itself to the rest of the world, and analyze unfamiliar aspects of what it means to be British. This course will foster community engagement through site visits, required readings and personal interviews, and will assess student learning outcomes through various short essays, presentations, classroom discussion, and a final paper.

Arcadia University London Center Courses

Arcadia courses focus on London, and cover topics ranging from art and architecture to law, politics and history. Each course is worth 4 credits*.

Course ID Title Credits Syllabus
LONS ARDP 290 Contemporary Photography Practice 4
LONS AREC 280 Environment, Communities and the Arts in Britain 4
LONS ARLC 103 London: City of Art 4
LONS ARUS 282 Art & Architecture 4
LONS DTPC 181 The London Stage in Text and Performance 4
LONS DTSH 280 Introduction to Shakespeare in Text and Performance** 4
LONS ENCW 210 Creative Writing: The Art of Fiction 4
LONS HIEC 173 Issues in British Imperialism: 1800 to the Present Day 4
LONS LIUK 120 The London Novel 4
LONS MSHP 142 Introduction to British Media 4
LONS PSUK 130 Introduction to British Politics 4
LONS PYDP 290 Developmental Psychology***  4
LONS SOSC 143 Introduction to Sociology 4
LONS SOGL 212 The Making of Global London: Migration & Identity 4
LONS HIBB 293 A History of Black Britain 4  
*Some courses may have a supplemental fee.  If a course has a supplemental fee, it will be noted on the syllabus.  Please speak with your Program Advisor for more details
**Students may only register for LONS DTSH 280 provided they have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Literature exam.

*** Students may only register for LONS PYDP 290 provided they have scored a 5 on the AP Psychology exam, or have earned a 6 or 7 on the Standard Level Psychology IB test; or a 5, 6, or 7 on the Higher Level Psychology IB test, as long as they have earned the IB diploma.


Enrollment Process

Online course registration for Arcadia London Center courses will take place several weeks before your program begins. You will select your courses based on the timetable provided at that time and you should use the Academic Preferences Form you submitted as a guide.