
STEM Summer Research - RVC London Courses

You will earn 6 research credits over 6 weeks, conducting a faculty-supervised, hands-on, directed study research projects with results that will culminate in the preparation of a research paper. You will complete a minimum of 240 hours on research in and out of the laboratory.

Faculty mentors will work closely with you to direct your continued growth and knowledge development in the chosen research topic discipline.

  • Please review your project with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure it will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.

Choosing Your Research Project

  • Review Project titles and descriptions below.
  • List 3 (in order of preference) in your Academic Preferences Form, using LOND as the course code.
  • Program is highly individualized, with limited enrollment.
  • You will need to complete a brief Literature Review in consultation with your research supervisor prior to departure before the start of the program. More details here.
  • We encourage you to contact Arcadia’s Associate Dean of Academic Access and Curricular Solutions, Rob Hallworth,  to discuss your particular research interests further.

Biomedical Sciences with the Royal Veterinary College, London

Course ID Title Credits Syllabus
LONS RSLW 392S International Independent Research in STEM Fields 6

Summer 2025 Research Projects


Preserving Mitochondrial Function after Brain Injury

Supervisor: Claire Thornton

Mitochondrial dynamics (fission and fusion) alter in response to the energy needed by the cell; both processes become dysfunctional in the aging (neurodegenerative disease) as well as the developing (birth asphyxia) brain. This project aims to tackle mitochondrial dysfunction to enhance cell survival, and therefore neuroprotection, following neonatal brain injury.

Techniques: Cell culture, live cell microscopy, cell survival assays, western blot

Two key literature references:

  1. Jones, A. and Thornton, C. (2022) Mitochondrial dynamics in the neonatal brain - a potential target following injury?, Biosci Rep, 42(3), available: .
  2. Yang D et al Mitochondrial Dynamics: A Key Role in Neurodegeneration and a Potential Target for Neurodegenerative Disease Front Neurosci (2021) doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2021.654785 

Relevant majors: Biology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry


Assessing the Impact of Long-Term Culture on Dog Oocyte Maturation and Development

Supervisor: Ali Fouladi

The development of assisted reproductive technology in dogs would benefit projects for the conservation of endangered canine and feline species, as well as its translational application in biomedical sciences. Canine oocytes used for in vitro cultures are sourced from the ovaries of spayed dogs after routine ovariohysterectomy which happens during the anoestrus period. Such ovaries contain mainly the early-stage follicles; hence the retrieved oocytes have a very low maturation rate to the metaphase II stage to become ready for fertilization. The normal period of culture for canine oocyte maturation is up to 72h, and the maturation rate is very low. As a result, thus far no blastocyst embryo could be produced from in vitro matured dog oocytes. Recent studies in other species have reported the beneficial effect of the extended oocyte culture period on nuclear maturation and the developmental potential of the oocytes. This project aims to test the hypothesis that “The extended culture of canine oocytes improves oocytes nuclear maturation and developmental potential to produce embryos after in vitro fertilization”. You will compare oocyte nuclear maturation to the metaphase II stage after 3, 7 days of culture. You will also carry out in vitro fertilization (IVF) to determine their competence in producing embryos, and study mitochondria distribution and health of the oocytes through specific staining. 

Techniques: Retrieval, selection, and aseptic culture of dog oocytes, staining for assessing oocyte nuclear maturation, microscopic imaging to determine oocyte nucleus at meiotic stages, Mitotracker staining, ROS staining, IVF and embryo culture.

Two key literature references:

  • Yamochi T et al (2017) Optimum culture duration for growing oocytes to attain meiotic and fertilization competence. Journal of Reproduction and Development, Vol. 63, No 6. Pages 591-595. doi: .
  • Salavati M et al (2013) Influence of caffeine pretreatment on biphasic in vitro maturation of dog oocytes. Theriogenology, , Pages 784-792. .

Relevant majors: Biology, Zoology, Animal Science, Veterinary Science


Immune Gene Amplification in Wildlife Species: Understanding Genetic Diversity in Disease Resistance

Supervisor: Edward Roos

This project focuses on amplifying and analyzing immune-related genes in various wildlife species to explore genetic diversity related to disease resistance. By studying these genes, we aim to gain insights into the evolutionary mechanisms of immune responses across species and their relevance to conservation biology and disease management.


  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Gel electrophoresis
  • DNA extraction and purification
  • Gene sequencing and bioinformatics analysis

Two key literature references:

  1. Acevedo-Whitehouse K., Gulland F.M., Greig D.J., Amos W. (2003) Disease susceptibility in California sea lions. Nature 422: 35-36.
  2. Sommer S. (2005) The importance of immune gene variability (MHC) in evolutionary ecology and conservation. Frontiers in Zoology 2: 16. 

Relevant majors: Biology, Genetics, Veterinary Science


Expression of MPB70/83 Proteins as Diagnostic Markers for Mycobacterium bovis Detection

Supervisor: Edward Roos

This project focuses on the expression and characterization of MPB70/83 proteins, which are immunodominant antigens of Mycobacterium bovis. These proteins are key markers for the development of diagnostic tools aimed at detecting bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in wildlife and livestock populations. The project aims to evaluate the potential of these proteins as reliable diagnostic markers.


  • Recombinant protein expression and purification
  • Western blotting
  • ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)
  • Protein quantification and characterization

Two key literature references:

  1. Wiker, H. G. (2009).MPB70 and MPB83 - Major Antigens of Mycobacterium bovisScandinavian Journal of Immunology69(6), 492–499.
  2. Moens, C., Filée, P., Boes, A., Alie, C., Dufrasne, F., André, E., Marché, S., & Fretin, D.(2023). Identification of New Mycobacterium bovis antigens and development of a multiplexed serological bead-immunoassay for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. PLoS ONE18

Relevant majors: Biology, Genetics, Veterinary Science


The Role of Neuropilins in the Zebrafish Regenerating Fin-Fold

Supervisor: Caroline Pellet-Many

The zebrafish can regenerate many tissues. In this project we propose to investigate the regeneration of the caudal fin of zebrafish embryos. In particular, we are interested in comparing the regenerative capacity of a mutant knockout line that is missing our receptor of interest to elucidate if it is essential for repairing cellular processes. We use transgenic macrophage reporter lines in which macrophages are tagged with a green fluorescent protein, this will help quantifying inflammation in response to the injury and comparing between our different lines.


  • Zebrafish husbandry (animal handling - mating - collection of embryos)
  • Surgical amputation of the tip of the tail of embryos and quantification of tissue regeneration using microscope imaging
  • RNA extraction and qPCR for gene expression study.

Two key literature references: 

  • Hamilton Roehl H (2018) Linking wound response and inflammation to regeneration in the zebrafish larval fin. .
  • Sipka et al. (2022) Macrophages undergo a behavioural switch during wound healing in zebrafish. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. .

Relevant majors: Biology


Spatial Transcriptomics to Characterize Age-Associated Tendon Degeneration

Supervisor: Chavaunne Thorpe

Tendon injuries strongly correlate with age. A lack of treatment options, poor recovery, and a high rate of reinjury are born out of poor characterization of tendon aging, however the equine superficial digital flexor tendon has proven to be an excellent model to investigate tendon degeneration. The student(s) will use emerging spatial transcriptomic technology to identify age-associated changes to cell populations within the equine tendon.


  • Molecular biology
  • Tissue sectioning
  • RNAscope spatial transcriptomic analysis
  • Immunofluorescence microscopy

Two key literature references: 

  • Zamboulis et al., 2023, (DOI: )
  • Nourissat et al., 2015 DOI: )

Relevant majors: Biology, Veterinary Science


MicroRNA Regulation of Embryonic Cell Development

Supervisor: Bradley Cobb

A key question in cell and developmental biology is how the mammalian embryo is assembled. Developmental fates are controlled by the regulation of gene expression, and miRNAs play an important part in this. These small, double-stranded RNAs of approximately 22 nucleotides act by post-transcriptionally suppressing gene expression. They operate to fine-tune expression levels, and their importance is exemplified by their absence, which results in lethality of the early embryo. We wish to understand the function of miRNAs in the early embryo by testing their regulation of specific genes involved in the initial developmental programme.  

Techniques used: The student will learn core techniques in molecular biology including mammalian cell culture, protein extract preparation, and Western blotting.

Key literature references:

  • He, L., & Hannon, G. J. (2004). MicroRNAs: small RNAs with a big role in gene regulation. Nature Reviews Genetics, 5(7), 522–531.

Relevant majors: Biology


How Does a Chicken Influenza Virus Grow Well in Human Cells?

Supervisor: Daniel Goldhill

We have discovered that an influenza virus from a chicken in Mali surprisingly grows well in human cells despite only ever having been in birds.  This project will track down the underlying mutation to understand how this has happened.


  • Cloning
  • Cell culture
  • Minigenome assay

Two key literature references:

  • Sheppard, C. M. et al. An influenza A virus can evolve to use human ANP32E through altering polymerase dimerization. Nature communications 14(1):6135 (2023).
  • Long, J. S. et al. Species difference in ANP32A underlies influenza A virus polymerase host restriction. Nature 529, 101–104 (2016).

Relevant majors: Biology, Veterinary Science, Animal Science

Grade Scale for the United Kingdom - AACRAO EDGE

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage Description U.S. Equivalent
70 – 100% First Class A
60 – 69% Second Class Upper B+
50 – 59% Second Class Lower B
40 – 49% Third Class/Pass C
0 – 39% Fail F
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE