
University of Oxford Courses

You will enroll in 12-16 credits per term at one of the six colleges we partner with at the University of Oxford. In Fall, Michaelmas term, you have the option to enroll in the standard term (12 credits) or an extended Michaelmas term (16+ credits). In Spring, you enroll for two terms, Hilary and Trinity (24 credits). For the Academic Year, you can enroll for all three terms (36 credits) or choose the Academic Year Early Start for Lady Margaret Hall or St Anne's students (40+ credits).

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your .
  • When completing your Academic Preferences Form, please review all course information for the program carefully.

Terms of Study

The University of Oxford academic calendar is comprised of three terms, Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity. As a Visiting Student at Oxford, you have several options for enrollment.

    • Extended Michaelmas Term (Early Fall semester - 16 credits)
    • Michaelmas Term only (Fall semester - 12 credits)
    • Hilary and Trinity Terms only (Spring semester - 24 credits)
    • Academic Year (Fall and Spring semesters - 36 credits)
    • Academic Year Early Start (Early Fall and regular Spring semesters - 40+ credits) - St Anne's College only

For specific dates, please see the Program Dates page.

Fall Term Early Start Options

If you are applying for the Fall term or Academic Year Early Start only, consider Hertford College, Lady Margaret Hall, or St Anne's College where you will begin classes early and earn 4+ additional credits. 

  • Hertford College has a required four-week, four-credit pre-session in the fall. All students attending Hertford College for the fall term only are required to participate in a September Pre-sessional Seminar. Students can choose between the History Seminar or the September Humanities Seminar.  

  • Lady Margaret Hall (LMH) has a required extended fall (Michaelmas) term in which students will take 2 major tutorials for a total of 16 credits. All students attending LMH for the fall term only are required to participate in the extended Michaelmas term. Academic Year students may opt to take the early start, but it is not required. .
  • St Anne's College has a required extended fall (Michaelmas) term and optional extended Academic Year term for Humanities and Pre-Med/Biochemistry students. All students attending St Anne's College for the fall term only are required to participate in the extended Michaelmas term. Academic Year students may opt to take the early start, but it is not required.
    • Students can enroll in a history and politics course, The Making and Unmaking of Modern Britain (4 credits), in September and then either continue with two tutorials in Michaelmas term or complete the academic year. This is available to students studying subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences, or Sciences. .
    • Pre-Med/Biochemistry students can select two September tutorials from five curated options focused in Biochemistry and Physiology (8-10 credits). One or two tutorials may be compulsory depending on previously completed coursework. .

Choosing Your College

The University of Oxford is composed of separate colleges which function independently. You will apply for admission to only one college. 

The Academic Preferences Form will ask you to rank your top 3 colleges from the 6 options below. Select the individual page for each college for more information. 

Hertford College St Anne's College
Lady Margaret Hall St Catherine's College
Mansfield College St Edmund Hall

Choosing Your Tutorials 

Depending on what you are studying you will choose 2-3 tutorials. Please visit the Choosing Your Tutorials page for information on the tutorial selection and completing this section of your Academic Preferences Form. 


Oxford may impose a tuition surcharge for enrollment in certain laboratory-based courses.

Grade Scale for Oxford University

The following scale is vetted and provided by the University of Oxford.

Oxford Percentage U.S. Equivalent
80 – 100% A+
70 – 79% A
65 – 69% A-
60 – 64% B+
55 – 59% B
50 – 54% B- 
45 – 49% C+
40 – 44% C
< 40% Fail