
Arcadia students studying at the University of Winchester will be housed in .* Burma Road is comprised of 5 different halls all named after different women in history, including Florence Nightingale, Jane Austen, Æthalflæd, Emily Davies and Charlotte Moberly.

Burma Road is a self-catered residence comprised of flats of 8 with shared kitchens. The hall contains unlimited, free WiFi access and is located close by to the King Arthur campus. There is also a brand new campus gym available.

Meal plans are available for students in self-catered residences to eat in campus dining halls.

Arcadia guarantees housing in all programs, provided that you meet all the necessary deadlines related to housing applications and have uploaded all the required documentation. For additional information on Arcadia housing, please see the page.

*Note: Should housing not be available in Burma Road, students will be housed in accommodation of equal quality