When selecting your courses from UCD's website, you should be aware of some differences in terminology. In Ireland a class or course is called a module. Here are some tips on how to find your way around .
To view classes, click on the discipline you’re looking for from the blue box then click your chosen department. Every course title is a link.
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Science
Arts (Humanities)
To view the classes, click "Arts” from the blue box then click "BA Joint Honours FT" from the drop down. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the department groupings and departments of study. Each department listed is a link to the classes within that subject.
Departmental Choices: Students are permitted to select courses from cross multiple disciplines within the College of Arts (choice is subject to capacity issues, timetable constraints and pre-requisites). Certain departments are grouped together and are not allowed to be taken together because of scheduling conflicts/timetable constraints (for example English & Politics, Sociology & Philosophy). Please view the subject groupings (Groups A-F) on the UCD Course Catalog to make sure the departments you wish to study in are not grouped together. Students may also choose one or two courses from outside the College of Arts.
Classes of interest to study abroad students:
English majors will receive priority registration for English classes. These students can select up to three classes, which will consist of 2 lecture classes and 1 seminar class. Students will only be pre-registered to their lecture classes. Seminar class registration will take place on campus at the start of the semester. Students who are not English majors are permitted to take 2 lecture classes only, subject to availability. A list of English classes is sent to all incoming Arts students prior to course registration.
Psychology majors will receive priority registration and can select up to a maximum of 3 Psychology classes. Students who are not Psychology majors can select classes subject to availability; availability is typically very limited. A list of Psychology classes is sent to all incoming Arts students prior to course registration.
History majors will receive priority registration. History majors are advised to take a minimum of 2 History courses during their semester abroad at UCD although this is not a compulsory requirement. Students who are not History majors can select classes subject to availability.
To view the classes, click "Business" from the blue box then click "Commerce". Scroll down to view the classes. Every course title is a link. Links to additional classes are found at the bottom of the page.
To view the classes, click "Engineering" from the blue box then click "Engineering-Omnibus". Scroll down to view the classes. Every course title is a link. Links to additional classes are found at the bottom of the page.
To view the classes, click "Science" from the blue box then click "Science". Scroll down to view the classes.