
Trasimeno Archaeology Field School Courses

This program consists of two courses and academic excursions. Excursions are designed to enhance student understanding of the territory’s history, while also providing the opportunity to study and visit neighboring archaeological sites and major museum collections.

  • Make sure your credits transfer back for credit with your homeschool – this is your responsibility.

Choosing Your Courses

You will study two courses for three credits each.

Course ID Title Credits
ARCH 325 3
ARCH 350 3

Learn more about the  program at The Umbra Institute.

Grade Scale for ISI Perugia - AACRAO EDGE

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage U.S. Equivalent Student Performance
93 - 100% A Exceptional
90 - 92% A- Excellent
87 - 89% B+ Superior
83 - 86% B Superior
80 - 82% B- Superior
77 - 79% C+ Satisfactory
73 - 76% C Satisfactory
70 - 72% C- Satisfactory
67 - 69% D+ Low Pass
63 - 66% D Low Pass
60-62% D- Low Pass
59% or less F Fail (no credit)
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.