
University of Auckland Courses

You are required to maintain a full course load through your time in New Zealand. A full-time course load as defined by Arcadia University is 12-16 U.S. credits per semester. Courses can be found on ’s website.

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your .
  • Please indicate 7-10 courses, including alternates, on your academic preferences form that you are pre-approved for and can take while abroad. In the event of scheduling changes, time conflicts, prerequisites or cancellations, this ensures that you will be prepared to finalize your courses once overseas.

Course Restrictions

  • Courses with an A or B after the course code (eg: PSYCH 306A) are full year courses (February to November).
  • Psychology courses fill quickly in the Second Semester (Fall semester)
  • Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and Planning are restricted to students whose major is such at their current university. Note that such as a portfolio or DVD.
  • Study abroad students are not permitted to enroll in:
    • Courses offered in Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacy, Optometry, and Nursing.
    • Courses running for the whole academic year - e.g. PSYCH 308A and 308B (except students enrolled for the whole University of Auckland academic year – February to November).
    • 100 level courses in Fine Arts, Architecture and Planning (unless the student is majoring in the subject at their home university).
    • BUSINESS 101 and BUSINESS 102.
    • Courses ending with the letters F or H - e.g. HISTORY 91F or MAORIHTH 14H. These are foundation year courses and not appropriate for study abroad students.
    • Stage I Engineering courses (ENGGEN 115, ENGGEN 121, ENGGEN 131, ENGGEN 140, ENGGEN 150, ENGSCI 111, ELECTENG 101, CHEMMAT 121) except for those ending in G.
    • Courses offered in the Faculty of Law - Part II courses, Part III yearlong courses and Part IV Advocacy, Mediation and Negotiation courses.
  • The following courses have limited space for study abroad students:
    • Biological Science, Psychology and Computer Science courses
    • Courses showing the letter "G" - e.g. PHYSICS 107G
    • 700 level Finance and Accounting courses.

Choosing Your Courses

A full-time course load is equivalent to 12-16 U.S. credits (but the number of courses depends on how many New Zealand units each course is worth).

University of Auckland Credit Point Units U.S. University Semester Hours of Credit
15 4

The University of Auckland :

  • Select subject index.
  • Select a subject to view a list of courses.

Special Nomenclature

New Zealand Term U.S. Equivalent
Faculty Department, School or College
Course Degree
Subject Course
Semester 1 Spring semester
Semester 2 Fall semester
Stage I 100-level course
Stage II 200-level course
Stage III 300-level course

Enrollment Process

Students will receive an email directly from University of Auckland prompting them to enroll in courses online. All courses with pre-requisites require students to submit a concession explaining their background in the subject and how they meet the pre-requisite. The concession will be reviewed by University of Auckland faculty, and the outcome will be sent directly to the student via email.

Course enrollments will not be finalized until students are on campus. The academic preferences form students submit to Arcadia prior to departure does not guarantee approval or enrollment in those courses. There is a drop/add period at the beginning of each semester that allows students to make changes to course enrollments.


Possible additional fees for courses that include laboratory work, field excursions or theater trips. Many fine art or production courses will include a supplemental fee for the materials used in the class. Please refer to the online course description.

For studio art, graphic art, media production, drama, dance or music courses, submit a portfolio or audition tape on slides or a CD. Submit between 8-12 examples of your work. Portfolio is non-returnable. Some fine arts courses are year-long and begin in February.

Grade Scale

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Please note: University of Auckland does not report numerical averages on their host institutional transcripts. Arcadia transcripts are therefore based on the letter grade provided for each course.

Grade Description U.S. Equivalent
A+ High First A
A Clear First A
A- Bare First A
B+ High Second B
B Clear Second B
B- Bare Second B
C+ Sound Pass C
C Pass C
C- Marginal Pass C
D Failure F
F Failure F
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.