
You will enroll in 17 credits total: 4 required courses based around the themes of the program- sustainability, justice, society in Norway. You can also enroll in one elective course at our partner university, .


Required Courses

POL/SOC 332 Contemporary Nordic Issues in Comparative Perspective  4
HIS 359 Making the Modern Welfare State: Nordic and U.S. Approaches 4
ECO/ENV 279 Environment, Innovation, and Sustainability: The Nordic Economic Model 4
INS 291 Global Competency Certificate  1  

Østfold University College Elective Offerings

Elective courses are taught in English and are part of the ØUC course offerings. You can expect to be in class with Norwegian and other international students. 

Example Elective Courses:

  • Norwegian as a Foreign Language I and II 
  • Development of Green (Sustainable) Business Models 
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Media Studies
  • Directed Research Project or Independent Study options will also be available

Elective courses may change every semester based on availability and offerings. The website will be updated with more information when available.

Grade Scale

Grades will be reported exactly as they appear on the Augsburg University transcript.