
Edinburgh Napier University Courses

You will enroll in courses at  and have the option of taking 1 course with Arcadia.

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your .

Arcadia+ Options

On this program, you can take one course with Arcadia. You may select one out of the three options below. You are not required to take any Arcadia courses.

  • Internship: Complete an Internship placement arranged by Arcadia and related 4-credit Internship Cornerstone course with Arcadia for academic credit. (GPA requirement for participation: 2.8)
  • Parliamentary Internship: A limited number of placements are available at the Scottish Parliament with a variety of MSPs across the political parties. Two Required courses will be taught by the Arcadia Edinburgh Center and students will take an additional two courses at Edinburgh Napier University. The placement will be for 2 days per week for 10-12 weeks for a min of 150 placement hours. (GPA requirement for participation: 3.0)
  • Travel Writing Cornerstone Course: Enroll in a 3-credit Cross-Cultural Travel Writing course at the Arcadia Edinburgh Center.
  • Independent Study: Work with an Arcadia faculty supervisor on a 3-credit semester-long independent research project to produce an original research paper and presentation of your findings.

Course Restrictions

  • Not all modules at Edinburgh Napier University are available to study abroad (“visiting”) students.
  • Some subject areas (including those in Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences) are closed to visiting students.

Choosing Your Courses

Arcadia+ Courses

You may select one of the three course options below.

Internship Placement & Associated Internship Cornerstone Course

The Internship Cornerstone Course is required to complete any Internship placement.

Course ID Title Credits Term Syllabus
SCOT INPR 310 Work in Thought & Action 4  Spring/Fall

Parliamentary Internship Placement Cornerstone Course (required for Parliamentary placements)

SCOT PSSC 318  Modern Scottish Politics: Parliament, Parties and People 3  Spring/Fall

Travel-Writing Cornerstone Course

SCOT ENTW 218 Cross-Cultural Travel Writing Scotland 3  Spring/Fall

Independent Study

SCOT STIS 370 Independent Research - Scotland 3  Spring/Fall

Edinburgh Napier University Courses

You will enroll in 3 courses at Edinburgh Napier University if you do not take an Arcadia course, and 2 courses at Edinburgh Napier if you do take an Arcadia course. Most courses (called modules) are worth 20 SCQF credits each. A list of available courses, organized by subject area, can be found in the .

  • 20 SCQF = 5 U.S. Semester Hours of Credit


When you click on a module, you will see when it is offered (i.e. Trimester 1, Face-to-Face, Napier University").

  • Trimester 1 = Fall semester
  • Trimester 2 = Spring semester
  • Trimester 3 = Summer session - not available to study abroad students

Course Levels

  • SCQF Level 7 = First Year (freshman) level
  • SCQF Level 8 = Second Year (sophomore) level
  • SCQF Level 9 = Third Year (junior) level
  • SCQF Level 10 = Fourth Year (senior) level
  • SCQF Level 11 = Graduate level - not available to study abroad students

Level 8 and above will have prerequisites.  
Level 9 and 10 will require significant previous coursework in the subject area.

Course Highlight

(LNG08107)  This module is designed specifically for international students.

Enrollment Process

Final course registration does not take place until you arrive.

Submit your Academic Preferences Form to Arcadia through your .

List all course choices and alternates in order of preference.


Some modules and departments may require a portfolio or samples of previous work.

Grade Scale

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage Description U.S. Equivalent
70 – 100% First Class A+
60 – 69% Second Class Upper B+
50 – 59% Second Class Lower B
40 – 49% Third Class/Pass C
0 – 39% Fail F