
Scottish Universities International Summer School (SUISS)

Students enroll in 1 of 3 available sessions. There are two 4-week sessions and one 6-week session availableEach session contains its own course options. Students can earn from 4 to 7.5 U.S. credits depending on their session length and course choices.

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.

Choosing Your Courses


Course Options

SUMMER 1: 4 Weeks
    - Weeks: 1-4
    - Typical Timeframe: Early-July to Early-August
Option 1 (5 credits):
-  Text & Context - Modernism (2.5)
-  Text & Context - Contemporary Literature (2.5)
Option 2 (4 credits):
-  Creative Writing (4)
SUMMER 2: 4 Weeks
    - Weeks: 3-6
    - Typical Timeframe: Late-July to Mid-August
Option 1 (5 credits):
-  Text & Context - Contemporary Literature (2.5)
-  Text & Context - Scottish Literature (2.5)
Option 2 (4.5 credits):
-  Text & Context - Contemporary Literature (2.5)
-  Theatre & Performance (2)
SUMMER 3: 6 Weeks
    - Weeks: 1-6
    - Typical Timeframe: Early-July to Mid-August
Option 1 (7.5 credits):
-  Text & Context - Modernism (2.5)
-  Text & Context - Contemporary Literature (2.5)
-  Text & Context - Scottish Literature (2.5)
Option 2 (6.5 credits):
-  Creative Writing (4)
-  Text & Context - Scottish Literature (2.5)
Option 3 (6 credits):
-  Creative Writing (4)
-  Theatre & Performance (2)
Option 4 (7 credits):
-  Text & Context - Modernism (2.5)
-  Text & Context - Contemporary Literature (2.5)
-  Theatre & Performance (2)

Course Texts

You are strongly advised to read as many of the core texts as possible before arriving in Edinburgh, as time will be limited once the program is underway. You need not purchase copies of the volumes of poetry - poems will be distributed by tutors in seminars. Upon acceptance, your Program Advisor will email you the pertinent reading list for the course you have chosen.

Enrollment Process

When completing the online course form:

  • Course Code: Use "SUISS" for your course code for all sections
  • Title: Use the full course name
  • Credits: Please use the number of credits displayed for the appropriate courses

Grade Scale for the United Kingdom

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE). 

Percentage Description U.S. Equivalent
70 – 100% First Class A
60 – 69% Second Class Upper B+
50 – 59% Second Class Lower B
40 – 49% Third Class / Pass C
0 – 39% Fail F
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.