
What's included when studying abroad with Arcadia?

The College of Global Studies at Arcadia University makes every effort to keep our program fees as comprehensive and transparent as possible. All programs offer the highest standards in education, student services and co-curricular activities. Here is a list of what’s included in all Arcadia programs:

  • Program tuition
  • Housing
  • Many excellent excursions, cultural activities and sporting events
  • Health and accident insurance
  • Personal guidance and logistical support before you go and during your stay
  • Personal academic advising
  • Health, safety, and wellness guidance from resident staff in-country
  • Easy online application tracking and management
  • Opportunities to network online with other students on your program before you leave for your destination
  • In-country orientation by Arcadia and/or partner staff
  • Co-curricular Learning Certificate – an opportunity to get official recognition for learning you achieve outside the classroom
  • Arcadia University transcript
  • Opportunity to blog and talk to other students on your program before you leave for your destination

As each Arcadia program provides an individual experience designed to help you fully engage with your new home, you should check your specific program and session for more detailed information on what's included, and to explore other available options that are unique to your program.

Additionally, for each program, we provide an estimate of additional expenses you may incur to help you budget accordingly. Please see the fees detail for your specific program and session.